Wondering what could be the best and unique gift for your spouse? Why not gift a tech-trendy digital yet fashionable finger ring that acts as a watch, personal calendar and also compliments your clothes? It’s not a science fiction anymore. This is definitely a thing for the future. Known as the Digtus Ring, it complements yet another step towards a near-at-hand era of smart and compact devices.
Approximately fourteen hundred spheres of magnetic as well as decorative material are fixed in such a manner that they can rotate in all directions and allow display of time and varying patterns depending on inputs.
The lighter and darker shaded spheres rotate to give the display a meaning. The technology is somewhat similar to the big LCD display screens, though here it is far too smaller yet the computer circuits used are amazing.
Charles Windlin, who has designed this awesome product, thinks the concept on which the Digitus Ring speaks voluminously on the advancements we are to witness within next 40-50 years. Now, the intelligent devices don’t mean laptops or mobile phones to bulge our pockets and bags, but smarter and slicker fashion accessories to give us a new-age neat look.
Source: Topblogposts
Image source: Square-mag