Trees provide our environment beautiful colors, shade and shelter, and one thing else, i.e. the tree tunnels. Tree tunnels look even more romantic and charming than tress that stand apart, There are a number of tree tunnels in the world, and following are the best of them:
Cherry Blossom tunnel
Located in the German city of Bonn, the Cherry Blossom Tunnel presents visitors panoramic views no less than the ones you see in fairytales. Beautiful trees of cherry blossoms drooping over a street make this tree tunnel, and during spring when the blossoms are in full bloom, the scene becomes all the more romantic.
Wisteria Tunnel, Japan
If you visit the Kawachi Fuji Garden in Japan, one thing that you would not be able to stop yourself falling in love with is the mesmerizing Wisteria Tunnel. The Wisteria Tunnel offers such a peaceful and loveable experience to the visitors owing to the interesting display of botanical delights like zen gardens and cherry blossom. Therefore, do not miss to see this flower draped tunnel whenever you get a chance to visit Japan.
Sena de Luna, Spain
The strange Sena De Luna tree passage is in the little town of Spain. The passage gets its name from the town where it is found. As indicated by the statistics 2004, passage has a greater number of blossoms than the quantity of inhabitants in town. The passage is alluded to as a baffling passage as nobody knows about the starting point and history of it.
Jacarandas Walk, South Africa
Tropical trees that make this marvelous Jacarandas walk tree passage were imported to South Africa hundred years back. The calm and quiet place draws in a substantial number of sightseers in the month of October when the passage is in full bloom. The passage is one of the World’s largest man-made passages that shower purple snow in the month of October.
Bamboo Path, Japan
A 500-meter long bamboo way in Japan is popular as the Bamboo Path. In the bamboo path you get to hear a dazzling sound as wind travels through the bamboo trees. This spot stamp its place in the Top 100-must protect sounds in the nation. One can exploit the offices like rickshaw or bicycle so you can appreciate seeing lovely destinations of this backwoods way.
Tunnel of Love, Ukraine
Have u ever longed for strolling in a green passage with your beloved. On the off chance that yes, then Ukraine has a passage of Love for you. In the passage, a train runs thrice a day on a private railroad track. It is believed that if you make a wish in the passage and if your affection is solid and immaculate then your wish unquestionably materializes.
Tree tunnels are paths surrounded by trees on both the sides and above. There are numerous tree tunnels around the world but some of them are extremely beautiful.