All In One Swiss Army Knife with MP3 Player

swiss army knifeAmazing new s.beat allows you to peal an apple and listen to music at one time with the same time. Yeah! S.beat is a USB storage device, a MP3 player incorporated in a Swiss Army Knife. This metallic knife and MP3 player copmes with a life time warranty.

Its comes with a high contrast backlight LCD, speakerphones and Swiss Army Knife tools like screwdriver, nail file, scissors etc. isnt’t it really cool.

As I have told you before it’s a USB storage device it allows you transfer your data by hust pluging it into a USB port. Available in 3 different storage capacity (1GB, 2GB, 4GB), this music players comes with a built in FM radio, voice recorder and can store music files like other music players. It supports MP3, OGG, WAV and many other formats.

Via Giz Mag

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