Wattson by DIY Kyoto: Save electricity, save the planet

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We all know how wasting water and electricity and driving around in gas-guzzling SUVs is killing the planet. But what are we doing about? Nothing much it seems, but you know what, even the smallest step in the quest for a greener earth counts and you too can contribute to the cause by simply reducing your carbon footprint. A good start is to monitor your home appliances for electricity usage and turning them off when not in use. This is where this uber-cool Wattson by DIY Kyoto comes into the picture. The portable display allows you to monitor the amount of energy your gizmos are sucking up- on standby as well as when they are in use. Made from reclaimed wood and acrylic, the handy electricity monitor retails for £149.50 and runs on 4 watts of power itself which costs you less than £4 in energy bills a year. The miracle worker can help you reduce your electricity bills by 5-20% annually which makes it quite a long-term investment for your finances as well as the future of the planet.

Source: Style Will Save Us

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