vCard is all business


Deceptive appearances rarely had as great an illustration as the vCard. The tiny device to all looks is a PMP. Wait a minute though, cause this baby claims that it is actually a business card. The manufacturers describe their invention as a “complete interaction information vehicle,” and for all your money, vCard does come pretty close. Perfect for business activities like sales marketing presentation, demonstration of your products and services and making the big business announcements, the vCard is a pretty useful product. Hand one of these to the prospective clients, trainees etc. and reinforcement never had a better tool at disposal. It is actually a business card, a catalog and a sales person, all-in-one. As far as the make is concerned, vCard is a fine piece of gadgetry and boasts of a 2.7-inch video screen and 20mm acoustic speakers. With that kinda claim to tech sophistication, chances are vCard won’t come in cheap. But it might just give your business the fillip that it badly needs.


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