USB Egg Cluster: Start on your Easter prep

usb egg cluster
They are going to bring festive cheer to any room. Say what? The USB Egg Cluster from GiftWhole Electronics is specially meant for Easter decorations. Eggs… Easter… see the connection?

This colorful bunch of bright lights run on USB power or wall power. By the way, the eight lights form a set. You can’t have less. In any case, one or two wouldn’t look half as beautiful. The credit for the attractive colors goes to the LED lights nesting inside, not the case. It comes to a total of 3 meters in length, lighting up quite a big area. But I don’t really like the look of the thick black cables. Wish they were hung with something more ornamental.

But since there is still time for Easter, I see no reason why we can’t put it up now. They are perfect for both households and offices. Get them!

Source: Get USB

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