The magic of Yamaha Studio's 'musical sketchpad'

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I wonder how many artists and painters are music lovers. The one I remember and admire is Michelangelo who was a sculptor, artist and a painter with a great ear for music. But that was the thing of the past and it is very difficult to find another one with a same multitude of talents in the present age. If there is an artist who happens to be a music lover too, then he will definitely love the Yamaha Studio sketchpad which has a keyboard incorporated in it along with the sketchpad. This leather sketchpad is beautifully designed with the delicate keys integrated side by side with the sketchpad. Imagine sitting beside a beautiful meadow with the stream flowing by, with the musical sketchpad in your hands; you could capture the scenic beauty on the sketchpad and add music to the melody created by the flowing water. Just the thought of it makes me nostalgic.

Via: interiordesignroom.blogspot

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