Florian Brillet’s Smoker Bell: Peaceful haven for smokers

Now, smoking may be your only time to refresh your mind, but the world doesn’t seem to be noticing this. Be it your office, or some other public place, you are no longer allowed to smoke like you could earlier. No, I am not just reminding you about these limitations, rather I am asking you to take a look at your peaceful haven to smoke, called ‘Smoker Bell‘.

Florian Brillet might ring a bell, quite like an angel for you smokers, for being so thoughtful. Looking rather like a beauty hot-air pod, where you get those lovely curls done. But, ‘Smoker Bell’ is a helmet that looks like a hood for smokers, with a drink stand.
So now, when you worry about roaming outside the restaurant or theater, you can relax under a ‘Smoker Bell’ and draw that fag with peace, while sipping into your drink — as it will take all care of the hazardous smoke you exhale while smoking. It is attached strongly to the wall with an articulated and adjustable arm.

Now, without bothering about landing up in no smoking areas, you can exhale smoke with ease. The Paris-based architect seems to be adhering to the simple law of freedom of choice, set against rules and regulations.

Smoking is injurious to health. But, at least you can now get a choice to take a fag!

Source: Yankodesign

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