Cool Buzz

A space-age bicycle from the fabulous 50’s

If you thought that fiberglass was used on bicycles and other forms of transport only from the recent past, you will be amazed to know that a bicycle was prototyped and built way back in 1948, entirely with fiberglass. This bicycle called the Bowden..

‘The Future of Books’ by Kyle Bean

If you are a passionate reader of books, you will definitely agree when I say that there is more to reading books than just gathering information. Of course, an e-book can give you information, but can you really engross yourself in a romantic novel,…

A gigantic flask that is the world’s largest too!

BIG with a capital B is what this flask is all about and this flask can hold a massive 64 ounces of liquid in it. In the process of holding so much liquid in it, this gigantic flask also manages to become the world’s largest flask. The Giant flask is..

A ‘Pool’ Table

What else do you expect me to call this pool table with a mini pool above? A good way to breakaway from the league of regular ones which hold a marble beneath the carpet, this pool table looks really attractive. Playing on a water surface beneath,…

Hanging Up, Why don’t you dump it instead!

Imagine just disconnecting a call and throwing the phone away in a trash can; sounds pretty well-heeled a plan right! But you need not be a Baron Roth for that kind of lifestyle when the phones themselves go disposable. Yeah, you guessed it right, that.

For $750,000, World’s biggest grill is on its way

Summer is speeding up on its way and its time to clean up our grills for those backyard BBQ jaunts. But Enright wasn’t too happy with this fundamental activity. He wanted to out do all of us and so he built the biggest, fully functional,…

The world’s first laptop was built way back in 1893

No, this is not a hoax, and no, this is not one of a part of the Spot-the-Not contest from Ripley’s Believe it or Not either. An ad printed in a Victorian publication dating 1893 called The Manufacturer and Builder apparently promoted this ‘new…

Vtech’s cordless phone with instant messaging capability

If you are not a mobile phone freak who wanted to stand out in the crowd with your landline phone as the only means to keep connected, then here is a new cordless phone for you with features that for so long belonged to the exclusive domain of smart..

Easy Grip won’t let your read slip from your hands

If you are one of those people who love to laze around with a book ever so often but have a hard time keeping the book propped up in front of your face, then this Easy Grip is exactly what you need. The grip incorporates a secure one-handed grip…

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