Amazing 'clock of 9s' for math zealots!

the perfect clock for nerds

Are you a mathematics zealot and love taking up small digital challenges? Then here is an ingenious way to keep a check on your calculating power with each ticking second! Interestingly, each number in this analog clock expresses a calculation that involves three instances of the number 9.

To elaborate on it, here is an example — 5 o’clock is the square root of nine (3), factorial (3x2x1 = 6), minus 9/9 (6-1 = 5). Finding it tricky? Then, the time 7 o’clock needs to be mentioned – it’s calculation works out to 6.99999…, with an infinite number of nines. (Wikipedia says — 0.99999… is equal to 1).

Yes, it is not exactly equal to 7, but being a math enthusiast, hope you don’t mind rounding up! It is definitely a cool one.


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