Choosing a college major can be tough, particularly if getting a high paying career in the future is important to you. While there are numerous factors that should affect your decision to major in a particular subject, there is no denying that the prospect of finding a high paying job after graduation is one of the most frequently considered aspects when it comes to choosing your field of study.
Some of the highest paying college majors include:
1. Engineering
It should come as no surprise that engineers are some of the highest paid individuals in the world, with an average entry level salary for engineers in the United States ranging from $50,000 – $80,000 per year. Whether you want to work in electrical engineering or at a company like Rapid Permits & Engineering in the Florida Keys, you can rest assured knowing that you are likely to get a high paying job upon earning a degree in the field of engineering.
2. Nursing
Nurses are some of the highest paid individuals in the United States, especially in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic which has put medical professionals in higher demand than ever before. Nurses can expect to make between $50,000 and $100,000 per year in entry level positions depending on location, although many nurses are paid hourly wages instead of set salaries, so they have the potential to earn more depending on how often they work.
3. Statistics
If you are good at math, getting a degree in statistics might be a good option for you. Whether you go onto work as a data scientist, math professor, or statistical analyst, individuals who graduate with a degree in statistics can expect to earn an average of around $60,000 per year in entry level positions following college graduation.
4. Accounting
Another great option for those who are exceptionally good at math is studying accounting. Becoming an accountant might not seem like the most exciting job in the world, but the truth is that accounting is fairly simple and straightforward for those who are good at it or who tend to exel in mathematics, and it is one of the highest earning careers in the United States for recent college graduates. At minimum, the average accountant in the United States earns around $60,000 per year in entry level positions.
Article Submitted By Community Writer