Incredible Art Forms We Never Knew Existed

How many times has it happened that you go visit an art gallery only to admire art forms which you can neither understand nor particularly find attractive? Aesthetics appreciate art alright but everyone has their own ways of doing so. Many a times art takes up bizarre forms which many around the world are completely oblivious of. Here are some incredible art forms which are fascinating yet not much known the world over.

Edgar Mueller- 3D Street Art:

Edgar Mueller- 3D Street Art

Artist Edgar Mueller has established his art studio right on the streets. He entertains and mesmerizes passers-by with his incredible art of creating 3D art pieces of old patrons and masters of art just at the feet of the observers. His works are impeccably natural and put forth myriad visions of how the old masters perceived the world.

Millie Brown’s Vomit Paintings:

Millie Brown’s Vomit Paintings_

The moment you read this you might feel like a gripping sense of uneasiness tugging inside your tummy. But bizarre as it may sound it is true. Millie Brown creates magic by consuming colored milk and then regurgitating the colors on white canvas to produce abstract paintings with myriad hues which sells for several thousands of dollars.

Marie and Bob Boyer’s Tree Sculptures in Amboy, Illinois:

Marie and Bob Boyer’s Tree Sculptures in Amboy, Illinois

Artists have the creative clout to create magic out of everything. And artists Marie and Bob Boyer both proved it to the lees. The chainsaw artist couple made the most of the broken trees of a small town in the Midwest which had been crippled post a tumultuous storm by carving out beautiful memorials and sculptures out of them. You can find statues of presidents, animals and landmark attractions strewn all around the town neatly carved out of the broken trees and echoing the nation’s history.

Liu Bolin’s Invisible Art:

Liu Bolin’s Invisible Art

Chinese Invisible artist Liu Bolin has mastered the art of camouflaging by painting himself in a way as to blend with the backdrop which makes him completely invisible.

Chris Trueman and the Ant Art form:

Chris Trueman and the Ant Art form

If you have loads of ants running around your rooms and pestering you, you could just wish Chris Trueman was around. For this artist used as many as 20,000 dead ants to paint a picture that depicts his little brother holding a gun in one of his hands. The effort taken and the ants lives earned him a whopping $35,000.

Ani K and Tongue Art:

Ani K and Tongue Art

Artist Ani K struggles day in and day out creating his art works which he does not with his hands but with his tongue. Weird but true for this struggling artist who happens to be a drawing teacher created a replica of The Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci in an 8feet wide canvas by licking paints and putting them down on the canvas with his tongue.

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