How to Update Your Business in 2020 

Update Your Business in 2020 

We live in a world that is continuously changing due to constant technological advancements. 2020 will be no different. There are going to be new apps, devices, and things we haven’t even thought of yet.

For your business to stay up to date, you need to make small changes every year. This is important if your target demographic includes young adults because of how dependent they are on their mobile devices. We are going to go over what you need to do to keep your company feeling fresh!

1. Move from Cash to Online Payments

Move from Cash to Online PaymentsAs a society, we are moving further away from making payments with cash. In 2019, it was reported that “consumers used cash in 26 percent of transactions, down from 30 percent in 2017.” This is bound to keep declining as more new ways to pay come to the market.

Most of us today are paying with debit or credit cards and through mobile apps. If you run a cash-only business, it is time to update! You will lose potential sales because people don’t carry around cash like they used to.

It’s simple nowadays to make this much-needed change because there are many ways to accept cards, mobile, and online payments with just a couple clicks, click to view listing. Usually, it doesn’t cost that much to install a system that accepts these types of payments, and sometimes it’s free!  

2. Mobile-First Web Design

What used to be a luxury item, smartphones are now the norm for mobile devices. Over half of web searches are from mobile devices. This is important for companies to keep in mind when it comes to designing the website.

Mobile device screens are much smaller than traditional desktop or laptop computer screens. Mobile-first web design is the method that businesses should consider designing their websites for viewing on mobile devices first, then design for larger screens.

Mobile-first web design also makes the loading time on a smartphone quicker because it’s optimized for those devices. This is important for companies because if it takes too long for a page to load, the person going to your site will go to a competitor.

Your website should be clear and easy for customers to get information. Creating an intuitive site can increase your sales drastically. Mobile-first web design can be the edge you have over other businesses that have complicated and slow websites.  

3. Use Social Media for Advertisements

Use Social Media for AdvertisementsIf you have been paying for print advertising, you might want to rethink your marketing strategy. As mentioned above, we are using mobile devices more today than ever before. Most people use their phones for checking social media, rather than to call and text people.

Investing in paid ads on different social media platforms can be an excellent way to reach the public. Many social media sites create profiles of what users are interested in, so they only show advertisements to those who are already interested in similar things you are trying to sell.

It is also important to think about which social media platforms you should post your ads on. If your target market is older adults, you should focus on Facebook. While, if your market is for younger people, use Instagram because 90% of users are under 35 years old.

Also, embed a link to your website or payment page, so it is easy for users to make purchases when the advertisement is shown. Paper ads are a thing of the past, and the best thing to do is buy paid ads on social media.

The Bottom Line

There is no way for us to slow down the expediential growth of technology. We must adapt and use recent developments to help change how we do business. You don’t want to have an outdated business that lags behind because you aren’t up to date on technology.

The easiest way to update your business for the new decade is to accept all forms of payment, not just cash, create a mobile-first website design, and use social media for advertising your business! These small changes will boost your sales and keep your business feeling fresh!

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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