Hotdog Temperature Alert System lets you know when your pet is about to get cooked

hotdog temperature alert system

If those funny people at PETA ever got a hold of you leaving your pet locked up in a the car on a hot day, they sure will put up a naked picket protest outside your house, which considering how many of them are not as glamorous as the ones that get to come on TV, is not such a good thing. Anyhow, if you want to take your pet out for a ride but don’t want them staring at you while your gorge on you Big Mac and you don’t want to cook them leaving them behind in your hot-as-hell car wither, then you might be interested in this Hotdog Temperature monitor. As soon as this clever little gizmo senses the temperature of your car inching above the preset number, it prompts your car’s comp to open the windows a little bit apart from honking the horn and flashing headlights to alert the owner. If you want it can even page you a message to come and rescue your beloved pooch/kitty/parakeet from melting and leaving a stain on your good car cover.

Source: Nerd Approved

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