From palm to fingers, Balance takes a shift for Waiters

waiters tray

I don’t know how it feels to be a waiter, but for waiters ‘the tray’ is their bread and butter. Now, take yourself to be a waiter, your first show on the floor after a rigid training, packed restaurant and to make matters worse, a heavy order to deal with. You will get those shivers…for sure! Now it’s you and the tray, one step here and there and you are done with it.

Here is where the trick lie, Tray, remember the bread and butter? If you are going for a battle, you need a solid armor and the armor in this case is the tray. Now, imagine yourself as a customer who had ordered ‘that’ heavy doze. His ideology would be completely different to that of the waiter (your previous role). He wants the order to be served, not caring about how the waiter presents it…Simple food that’s it! Judging from both ends (waiter + customer), I see no harm in using the tray with fingers cabinets (for support) at the base. Neither, you’ll loose your job, and above all; the customer is satisfied! After all, it’s about bread and butter at the end of the day.

Via: Stuff4Restaurants

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